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Remembrance Poppy path 

Sadly due to current restrictions, we are unable to hold our usual remembrance service in church. However we still want to make space for us all to remember and reflect at this key time of year.


We have created a 'poppy path' in front of the church as a way to do this.


Here are some ideas for how you might use it and some prayers and poems.


Ideas for using the path


  • You might like to walk along the path slowly as you reflect and remember maybe reading/reflecting on one of the resources below

  • You might like to stand on a poppy and take a minutes silence to remember

  • You might like to pray as you walk or stand on a poppy, there are some prayers below

  • You may think of another creative way to engage, this space is for you to use as is most helpful for you.

































Prayer in a time of hopelessness

We entrust to you, eternal God, 

those times when we can see only shadows 

and lose sight of the hope to come; 

the times when suffering seems so senseless, 

life so fragile, war so unstoppable and death so permanent. 

Bless us with the assurance that you are in all things, 

the tragic and the beautiful, 

the nightmare and the dream, 

the light and the darkness. 

This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ 

the peace of the world, today, tomorrow and forever.




Quote from Colonel David Hayes 2009


Remembrance is by no means only a soldier’s, a sailor’s, or an airman’s preserve.  It encompasses all of us.  It is the business of our loved ones, our families, our friends.  Remembrance envelopes, enfolds and endures for our entire nation and all those who have served her over the hundreds of years which have passed, to the present and for the future.  Remembrance is timeless, it is boundless.  It is bearable and it is unbearable.  It is for the known; it is for the unknown.  It is for ‘them over there’; it is for all of us.  It is national; it is personal.  It is yours; it is mine.

This day should be regarded as a sign-post directing the paths of all nations towards peace, and reminding them of the awful sacrifice and inhumanity of war.






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