We are pleased to announce that St Mary's Church Shirehampton will be open for public worship and Holy Communion from this Thursday, 15th April. Our pattern of worship will be as follows:
Sunday 8:30am Rise & Shine Service for our younger members. Please let us know in advance you are planning to attend so that we cater accordingly.
Sunday 10:30am Holy Communion Service
Monday 9am Morning Prayer
Thursday 11am Holy Communion Service

Please note that we are still required to observe certain safety measures. Your temperature will be taken on arrival, hand sanitisers will be available at various points and a one-way system will be in operation. Please wear a face mask unless you are in an exempt group. Social distancing rules will apply and there will be no coffee after any of the services.
At present, it is possible to administer Communion in one kind only with no sharing of the common cup.
We look forward to welcoming you back.