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advent and christmas 2019

We have lots happening here at St Mary's over Advent and Christmas 2019. Please look at our events and services below for details.

We hope you are able to join us and we look forward to welcoming you.

ADVENT SUNDAY: 1st December

8.30am Kids’ Klub breakfast & service

10.00am Sung Eucharist

6.00pm Advent Service of Light

– lighting of The Tree of Light with the remembrance cards. Hot drinks served afterwards.

7.00pm Carol singing

outside with St Mary’s Stoke Bishop, followed by mulled wine and mince pies.

Wednesday 4th December 10.30 – 11.30 am

Golden Oldies.

Come along and enjoy songs from the 50’s onwards –

it is guaranteed to put a smile on your face and a spring in your step!

£2 charge

Sunday 8th December

8.30am Kids’ Klub

10.00am All-Age Communion

4.00pm - Christingle Service

a special service for all the family. Come along and find out what the symbols of the Christingle mean. There will be treats and drinks after the short service.

5.00pm - Ecumenical Carol Service - at the Cotswold Community Building.

All welcome to join us.

Saturday 14th December 10.30am

Carol Singing for Christian Aid

outside St Mary’s.

All most welcome to join us and sing.

Saturday 14th December 7.00pm

Shirehampton Area Choir Concert.

Tickets £5 for the Kanamai Development Trust, a charity that provides support to community projects in the Kanamai

District of Kenya.

Mince pies and mulled wine will be available during the interval.

Sunday 15th December

8.30am Kids’ Klub – breakfast & short service

10.00am Holy Communion

6.00pm Christmas Carol Service

with Nine Lessons

Tuesday 17th December 3.30pm

Messy Christmas for children, with an adult per family please. Crafts, activities, worship, refreshments. The theme is ‘Jesus - Christmas’

This session will include a Christmas performance by STOMP dance group.

Sunday 22nd December

8.30am Kids’ Klub – breakfast & short service

10.00am Family Service

* note there is no evening service today

Christmas Eve Tuesday 24th December

4.00pm Crib Service for all the family, especially children. Come dressed as a person or animal from the nativity story, or borrow a costume here.

A short service to share and a special way to begin Christmas.

Our Kids’ Klub will perform a nativity play during this service.

11.30pm Midnight Holy Communion

for Christmas

Christmas Day

Wednesday 25th December

10.00am All Age Holy Communion Service for Christmas Day

Sunday 29th December

10.00am Holy Communion Service.

There is no Kids’ Klub and no evening service today.

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