Although we are unable to hold our usual Memorial Service and Tree of Light Service, we remember with thanksgiving those whom we love and who have now died. Having commended them to God we come to renew our trust in Christ who has defeated death and opened the way to heaven for all believers. We shall pray for ourselves, our families, and all who are bereaved that we may experience a deeper measure of God’s strength to face the future, and know the comfort of His continued presence with us.
Jesus said,
"Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you."
"Come to me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
Memorial Service Prayer List 2020
Kathleen, Norman and Phillip Barnett; Patrick Boyse; Frances & Emily Bull
David & Elsie Caines; Michael Carroll; Ron Carter; Julian Cox; Mary Cox;
Maureen & Charlie Daniels; Lizzie Dellow; James Douel; Beryl Dring; Fred & Esme Duke
Claire Evans; Henrietta & Llewellyn Eynon
Derek Ford; Sarah Jane & William Henry Ford
Peter Grant; Mike & Penny Hicks; Kay Higgins; Diana Horler
Frank Jones; Joanne Jump
Rene & Jim Kennedy
Alma & Sidney Lang; Terry Lewis; Dave & Brian Lloyd
Anne Manning; Ben & Hilda Massey; Roy Miller
Franc O’Brien
Kay Poole; Jane Powell
Noah Arthur Saunders; Eric Sherwood; Lilian & Herbert Simmons; Marcus & Eric Skyrme; Anton Spencer;
Petar Stojsavljevic; John & Gay Swift
Angela Thompson; Jack & Doris Trueman; Ray Trueman
John Vale, Lillian Vale; William Vale
Julie Wells; Tim & Doreen Williams; Tina Wootten